The following release notes cover recent changes from the past 14 days and provide an outlook for the upcoming release.
The following milestones were achieved in the last 14 days.
New Stuff | |
Subscription Expiration Reminder Mail | As a recruiter, I want to be reminded that my subscription will end soon. |
Schedule job postings | We started preparations for: As a recruiter I want to be able to schedule a job posting to a future date. |
Product-Bundles | We started preparations for: As a site admin I want to be able to offer/sell product bundles by combining multiple products to a new one. |
Bug Fixes | |
Translations | fix global language context to improve translation coverage |
Updates | |
Update Drupal Core to 9.3.14 |
For a comprehensive list of recently implemented features, improvements, or bug fixes, please read the section "More Details".
🏁 Outlook (Release 12, 21.06.2022)
- Product-Bundling
- Job Posting Scheduling for recruiters
🔎 More Details
Area | Topic | User Story/Goal |
General | Improvement to page navigation and results (backend) | As a site admin, I want to see the number of results in a view (e.g. users, jobs) and also easily navigate between pages in the list. |
General | Prepaid credits | remove the "balance" field | As a site admin, I want to easily add/remove credits from a company. |
Applicant | Jobs with multiple locations | window with locations turns white on mouseover | As an applicant, I want to be able to view all locations of a job. |
Recruiter | Contact info phone number details can't be updated | As a recruiter, I want to be able to edit all phone numbers of contact people on my company profile. |
Recruiter | Can not add same upgrade again to an unpublished job with upgrade added | As a recruiter, I want to be able to repost a job posting and add any upgrades. |
Recruiter | Description texts cut off on small screen in job posting wizard | As a recruiter, I want to see the full example text in an input field in the job posting wizard also when I am on my mobile phone. |
Recruiter | Hide full-text organisation field for recruiters with company profile |
As a recruiter, I require more clarity on which company name is used when posting a new job, especially as an agency or a parent organisation. As a site admin, I want to make sure that the free-text field for a company name is hidden when the company profile is published. |
Recruiter | Company profile is linked even if the company profile is incomplete/unpublished |
As a recruiter, I want to make sure that my company profile is only linked once I have filled out the basic information so that applicants are not shown an empty profile. |
Recruiter | FAQ questions are centred | As an applicant, I want the FAQs on the company profile in a uniform structure to read the information easily. |
Job | Improve job per template view |
As an applicant, I want to see the cover image and images/videos of a company also when I am in the job search and view the job in the split view. |
Products | Allow more options to design the product/self-service landing page | As a site admin, I want to influence the order in which my available self-service products are shown on the landing page. As a site admin, I want to show the various product types (jobs, upgrades, bundles, subscriptions) in separate sections on landing pages |
E-Mails | Translate all fields in order confirmation field | As a site admin, I want that all organisation profile field labels within the order confirmation email are translated. |
Job-Posting | Empty fields displayed in section "More info" | As a recruiter I want empty headers for structured data to not show up. |
Job-Posting | improve taxonomy overlay | As an applicant, I want to see all taxonomies on all devices. |
Job-Posting | Published jobs appear as unpublished | As an applicant, I need to be able to clearly distinguish of which jobs are published and which are expired. |