The CV Search (also: resume search, reverse job board) is a database of online candidate profiles and allows employer users to proactively reach out to interesting applicant users.
The CV search is available by default and will be enabled during the project delivery if you wish to offer this feature to your clients. In case of a new job board, we recommend to first build up the CV database before offering the CV search to employers.
The CV Search
Search Functionality
Filters and facets
The CV search consists of a free-text keyword search, a geo-location search (based on the desired location of applicant users), and facets, such as the career status, languages, skills, occupations, region, and request status.
CV search alert
Employer users also have the possibility to subscribe to saved searches. Based on the above-described filter options, users can then create labels and define the notification interval. New results are sent via email automatically.
CV bookmarking
Employers are also able to bookmark CVs. They can do this on the following two pages:
- on the resume search page by clicking the bookmark icon in the resume list
- on the resume detail page by clicking the bookmark badge positioned on the right from the resume title.
Mind: Employers can visit /bookmarked-resumes in order to manage all bookmarked CVs.
Resume Bookmark - Resume Search Page
Resume Bookmark - Resume Detail Page
Which CVs appear in the search?
Applicant users who have verified their email address and filled out the basic information to their profile receive the status "visible". However, applicants can opt-out and change the status to "hidden" by disabling the visibility switch (see screenshot).
Find out more about CV states in this article: "What do the different CV states suggest?"
Visibility Switch on the CV