This area is especially important when initially setting up your job board with Jobiqo, but you will for sure come back to this area from time to time also when your site is launched.
Let’s have a look at how you can align the job board to your needs and your brand identity!
Landing Pages
The landing pages overview provides a list of all existing landing pages. The table allows users to easily capture which landing pages are published and when they have last been updated.
- Search for existing landing pages
- Edit landing pages
- Publish or unpublish landing pages
- Delete landing pages
Do you want to dive deeper into creating landing pages? Explore our articles in "Content"!
Menu items
The list of menus provides an overview of all existing menu links available.
Learn more about how to edit menu items in this article: "How can I change menus?"
Taxonomy Manager
The menu link provides an overview of all vocabularies and taxonomy terms defined for this job board. To view specific terms of a taxonomy, please select one item from the list.
Here’s a brief overview of what you can do in the taxonomy manager. For more details, please check out our "Taxonomy" section!
- View vocabulary
- Add taxonomy terms
- Delete taxonomy terms
- Export taxonomy terms
- Search taxonomy terms
- Change the URL to a taxonomy
- Add synonyms to a taxonomy