There are multiple options available on how to edit a company profile:
Option 1: Access via “Profiles” (Backend)
- Go to the “Profiles” table in the backend (Path: “Organisations” > “Profiles”)
- Choose the profile you want to edit and select the operation “Edit”.
- You can now edit the following items:
- Fill out all available fields such as general information, about us, gallery, videos, benefits, FAQ, contact persons and further locations
- Change the workflow state (see What do the company profile states tell me?)
- Change the meta tags or the URL alias
- Make sure to press “Save” to confirm your changes.
Option 2: Access via “Users” (Backend)
- Go to the backend view “Users” (Path: “Users” > “Manage Users”)
- Click on the edit button and go to the "Organisation(s)" tab.
- Select the required organisation and click to edit.
- Click on the "Profile" tab to edit or add a company profile.
- You can now edit the profile (see Option 1)
- Please save your changes
Option 3: Access via “Masquerade” feature (Frontend)
- Follow the steps from "How can I masquerade as a user?".
- Please find more details in this article “How can I create and edit my company profile?”