Our search engine allows users to perform full-text searches across a large number of jobs and score how well they match an entered keyword phrase.
In addition to searching for keywords, our job search also allows us to:
- Perform a radius search
- Apply filters based on the defined taxonomies
Job Ranking
The sorting of the search results is based on the relevancy of a job.
A search request always produces a score for each job. The scoring model depends on certain factors that contribute to the score and thus to the position of a job within the job search:
- When was the job published (more recent jobs are ranked higher)
- Is the job tagged with a “Boosting” upgrade? (Learn more here: "What are upgrades and which can I offer to employers?")
- How often does the keyword exist in one job?
- In which fields does the keyword exist in one job? (The job title is more important than the fulltext of the job)
Keyword search
The keyword search actually performs a full-text search. This means that our search engine will try to find documents that contain the entered text. If a user, for example, enters "Product", the system will try to find any job, which contains the word "Product".
Below find a list of full-text searches that are supported:
- A query with multiple words and they are considered as AND: wordA wordB
- A boolean operator AND / OR and brackets, like wordA OR wordB
- A phrase query, like "wordA wordB"
- A combination out of an boolean operator and phrase query, like "wordA wordB" OR "wordC wordD"
The relevancy of a job will increase if the keyword matches the job title, taxonomy or company name or if it matches multiple times. The more relevant matches there are in a job, the higher will be the score the job gets.
The search engine is also capable of so-called “Stemming”, which allows mapping various variations of a word to a common stem word. If a user, for example, wants to search for "Manufacturer'', the search would also return jobs that contain the word "Manufacturing".
Mind that not every word can be stemmed. Especially German word combinations will not be stemmed, because there can be endless combinations of different words and stemming complex words might convert them into a word with a different meaning, such as “Kraftfahrzeughaftpflichtversicherung” meaning actually "third-party vehicle insurance ”. 🥱
Search suggestions: When a user starts typing the keyword search displays some possible search suggestions. The suggestions are built out of used taxonomy terms (e.g. employment types or occupations) and the name of organisations that have at least one published job indexed in the job search.
Geolocation and radius search
The geolocation search allows users to search jobs based on the location entered for a job. Users can perform a location search based on the Google Geolocation service.
The geolocation search can perform two types of searches:
- A radius search (applied for town or city searches)
- A filter-based region search (applied for state or country searches)
Location Filter
If you are a job board operator and only want to display jobs for a specific city (e.g. jobs in Vienna), we can set a location filter for each geo location field. This gives you the opportunity that applicants can perform a more detailed job and company search. Please contact your point of contact at Jobiqo in order to use the location filter (e.g. based on a country or city) if you only want to offer jobs from a specific region.
The geolocation does not show the expected output, what can I do?
Please, reach out to your point of contact at Jobiqo. There are various reasons why some terms might look strange, false, or incorrectly set, due to the terms being generated via Google's Geocoding API.
The issues can occur due to Google sending wrong or out-of-date information or because Google does not have all information (e.g. not knowing what a Landkreis in Germany is or a Gau in Salzburg).
Facets & Filters
Users can select from predefined terms, which come from the taxonomy, such as “Full time” for employment types or “HR Manager” for occupation.
Selecting such fields will then perform a filtered search and show how many jobs are tagged with this term.
Learn more about how applicants use the job search in this article: "How can I search for jobs?".
Similar jobs on expired jobs
Based on a simple job search (location and occupational field of the expired job), users can see similar jobs to the expired job (unpublished) that they are currently viewing.
This feature should help users to easily go to active (published) job postings that fit the job search.
Similar jobs based on a simple job search